John Robin



Mastering your relationships

100 nonfiction books everyone should read

Multihabit: A radical new approach to habit-tracking

Mastering your conversations

Secrets to a long life: A study of the world’s oldest people

10 billionaires and their lessons on success

How to become happier: A guide to reprogramming your thinking

Hack your workout: A self-paced system for core muscle and posture strength

A daily journal practice to become a better person every day

10 easy meditations to bring calm to your everyday life

Hack your diet: Using nutrition science to live healthier, longer, and diet-free

Sleep hacks: Using science to improve your sleep

Master your time: The secret to being insanely productive

Mental models: How to make better decisions

Productivity hacks: Lessons from top leaders and billionaires

Most brilliant social psychology experiments

Brain-twisting paradoxes

The world’s most compelling logic puzzles

How to market your book online

How to begin (and maintain) your career as a writer

Great math problems for the 21st-century mind

Foundations of mathematics

John Robin is an author and founder and senior editor of Story Perfect Editing Services. Driven by his passion to help self-publishing authors produce high-quality books, John continues to grow his company with editing, cover design, and other publishing services.

John is also a voracious reader of non-fiction, especially relating to book marketing and fiction craft or storytelling techniques. As an avid fantasy writer (A Thousand Roads, published June 2019), John also researches topics ranging from geography, history, science, biography, art, and generally any topic to make him a better world-builder.

John also loves math, since before John committed his path to editing and publishing, he worked in academia and had an opportunity to do research in the field of number theory.

When he’s not helping authors, working on his own fiction, or learning problems in mathematics, John spends time in the garden or playing piano. He keeps up a regular strength training and interval running routine and has even run a marathon in just over three and a half hours.


Epic Fantasy Writer
Story Perfect Editing Services
Write Right Podcast

Blog: Epic Fantasy Writer Blog

Goodreads: John Robin

Amazon Author Central: John Robin