Why Customer Support Matters and Where to Start

13.10.2017 |

Episode #1 of the course How to win business with memorable customer service by Dream Support


Welcome to this course! My name is Valentina, and I’m a support service specialist from Dream Support. Helping people or explaining how something works has always been my passion. So one day, I decided, “Why not do it for living?” This course is a selection of tips and tricks that I’ve adopted or discovered during my practice as a customer service representative.


Why Memorable Customer Service Is Important

“78% of consumers have bailed on a transaction or not made an intended purchase because of a poor service experience.”

“It takes twelve positive experiences to make up for one unresolved negative experience.”

“It is six to seven times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a current one.”

We meet facts like these when reading various articles about business. They’re based on surveys published online and display a simple idea: Memorable customer service helps your business make more money.

Importance of a great customer service cannot be overlooked. It helps attract new customers, as well as retain existing clients. So, which steps can lay a foundation for your customer service department? I recommend starting from a customer portrait.


How to Draw a Customer Portrait

It’s quite hard to provide remarkable service if you can’t draw a customer portrait in your head. There is an easy way to study your audience: social listening. There are plenty of social media monitoring tools out there that you can utilize. Google “social media monitoring tools” and get lost in the options! Find those talking about you or your competitors, and take some time to learn more about them. This will give you an idea on how to handle their requests. For example, mature audiences prefer formal tone, while young people don’t mind slang.

Monitoring user comments and reviews is crucial not only because your potential customers will google (and compare) you, but it can also tell your marketing/sales teams where most of their hot audiences crowd. Your customers know your product; they also know your competitor’s product. They know exactly what makes them angry or loyal for life. All you need to do is to collect, track, and analyze as much feedback as possible. It is valuable and it is free.

To better understand reasoning behind cancellation, collect feedback from your support team and learn from it. While poor results with the product/service is a major reason customers cancel, another would be poor customer service. A few recommendations: If you offer customers several options of feedback in a bullet list, do not make it long (three to four points is enough); if you want to focus on genuine feedback, leave an open question field.

All these tips help you draw a portrait of your customer. Your next step would be choosing a customer services channel that addresses the needs of such a customer in the best possible way. Tomorrow, we’ll start this journey by looking at pros and cons of different channels, so you’ll have a chance to decide which ones suit your business and which ones can be omitted.

See you later!



Recommended book

The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service by Lee Cockerell


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