How to bring meditation into your everyday

Imagine if you could go through a chaotic day—dealing with everything that’s constantly fighting for your attention, everyone who’s constantly stepping on your toes—and still come home with your sanity. Heck, even be happy.

It’s possible! In this course, you’ll learn simple and fun ways to bring meditation and mindfulness into your everyday so that you can build resilience to all the chaos and improve your relationships.

   9,324 students completed this course

   99% recommend it to other students

   Teacher: Colin Pal


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99% of students recommend

“This is been one of my favorites. I am trying to add meditation into my life now, I can already see a difference. Have even been trying to use it to help me get to sleep. I do see a difference and feel like i can do even better.”

“It was truly a course in Meditation for the everyday. Very doable. It is about putting your mind somewhere you want your body to be, and learning to keep it there. Thanks!”

“I’ve tried some meditation apps before, like Headspace, and while these apps are wonderful, the habit never stuck for me because I couldn’t see the long-term benefits. Colin Pal’s course changed that for me. Colin outlines the benefits of meditation and how you can get there with each lesson. He even provides a link to an awesome game he made called Stillness Game, where you add one minute of meditation to your routine each day for a month. He furthers the conversation about meditation in the daily emails that follow, and since I’ve started, I’ve seen how much meditation can bring me and I feel more inclined than ever to give it my best effort. Thank you, Colin!”


Course plan

Lesson 1. Meditation in Your Everyday
Lesson 2. Meditation for Training Attention
Lesson 3. Meditation with Butt Off the Cushion
Lesson 4. Meditation for Better Relationships
Lesson 5. Meditation for Better Sleep
Lesson 6. Meditation on Gratitude
Lesson 7. Meditation for Taming the Monkey
Lesson 8. Meditation for Productivity
Lesson 9. Meditation at the Dinner Table
Lesson 10. Meditation Never Ends
+ Quiz



Starting tomorrow, you will receive a new lesson straight to your inbox every morning for 10 days. Lessons take just 5 minutes to read, and each course is followed by fun, knowledge-testing quiz.



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  • Format
    One lesson delivered via email daily
  • Duration
    10 days
  • Time
    5 minutes reading a day

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