Getting started screenwriting

If you’ve dreamed of writing a screenplay, this is the course for you. Professional screenwriter Jurgen Wolff will guide you through the entire process, starting with the mindset you need and how to come up with a winning plot, create great characters, craft impactful scenes and fill them with powerful dialogue, and some of the lesser-known tricks of the trade. You’ll also learn how to format your script professionally and what to do when you’re ready to sell your screenplay. Stop dreaming about seeing your words spoken by your favorite actors and actresses, and get started learning the skill that can make your dream come true!

   169 students completed this course

   100% recommend it to other students

   Teacher: Jurgen Wolff


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100% of students recommend

  “Very interesting and will help me start putting my screenplay idea to paper.”

  “A great help!”

  “Thanks for compacting a complex topic in little bites. I appreciate the reading list at the end of many lessons.”


Course plan

Lesson 1. The Qualities You Need to Succeed as a Screenwriter
Lesson 2. How to Come Up with Great Ideas
Lesson 3. How to Create a Powerful Protagonist
Lesson 4. How to Create a Powerful Antagonist
Lesson 5. How to Structure Your Plot
Lesson 6. How to Write Scenes That Keep the Audience Interested
Lesson 7. How to Write Powerful Dialogue
Lesson 8. How to Use Other Script Elements to Tell the Story
Lesson 9. How to Format Your Screenplay Professionally
Lesson 10. How to Sell Your Screenplay
+ Quiz



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  • Format
    One lesson delivered via email daily
  • Duration
    10 days
  • Time
    5 minutes reading a day

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