Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Episode #9 of the course How to win business with memorable customer service by Dream Support
Hi everyone! Today’s topic is about customer satisfaction metrics and ways to gather them. Evaluating your customers’ satisfaction is a challenging task—most people do not reach out to share their thanks. That’s where you consider asking them yourself.
Quantitative Metrics
Quantitative metrics help you evaluate the quality of your customer service in numbers. What’s important is that you can compare them over time, seeing if you’ve made any improvements.
With all quantitative metrics, remember one trick: Do not give a wide choice in your surveys. Users should choose between three to four variants—this will simplify both their decisionmaking and your calculations. This might sound odd, since most of marketers today use as many as ten points in a single survey, yet it’s better to streamline this process.
You can measure the following metrics:
1. Meeting the expectations. It reflects how many people of all requesters got their questions or demands fully covered.
2. Customer effort score. You ask customers how much effort they’ve put in to achieve the goal. There is one psychological peculiarity: People will more likely leave a complaint than a compliment. So, increasing the amount of compliments won by your business is a hard and resource-intensive task, while minimizing the number of complaints takes less effort and brings higher payoff.
3. Intention to repurchase. You ask customers if they are going to buy from you again. This straightforward metric directly shows you if they like your product.
4. Net promoter score. You ask customers if they’re likely to promote your business to others. The main focus here is not on the customer’s personal emotions, but on their intention to advocate for your brand.
Qualitative Metrics
Qualitative metrics involve opinion sharing. You do not simply ask people to choose from several options, you give them an opportunity to express their thoughts.These metrics help you gather tips for improvement, such as new features. You do not hunt numbers, but ideas.
Here are a few ways for gathering customer opinion:
1. Surveys with open-ended questions. We can distinguish three channels of gathering feedback through surveys:
• In-app surveys. Quick and easy, they grab the customer hot and feature the highest response rate. You should remember not to put more than two questions here (especially when you add a textbox for personal feedback).
• Post-service surveys. Same principle, different placement. You catch the fish when it leaves the net of your website. This survey can be added to a followup email or at the end of chat with your support hero.
• Long email surveys. If you want to ask several questions and gather deep insight, you can develop a custom email survey that persuades your customers to share their experience with your business. Those who decide to spend some time to answer your open questions will bring valuable opinions to the table. The downside of this method is low response rate.
2. Social media monitoring. Look for your brand discussion on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Reddit, Pinterest, and any other massive online portal that people love.
Survey Tools
In most cases, to measure customer satisfaction, you need survey tools. Modern customer service software has them built in. To name a few:
• TeamSupport
• Help Scout
• Zendesk
There is also an option of standalone tools:
• Trustfuel NPS
• Delighted
• Wootric
• SatisMeter
• Floq
• SurveyMonkey
• Google Forms
• CheckMarket
Just google, “customer effort score software,” or a similar phrase, and find many tools to choose from. Try them, compare their pricing, and choose what fits your needs best.
Tomorrow, we’ll summarize everything we’ve gathered in this course, so you have another chance to structurize the information.
See you later!
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