Keep Learning and Growing
Episode #9 of the course How to improve your self-confidence by Patricia Haddock
Welcome to today’s lesson.
Yesterday, you learned how reframing helps you shift your attitude about potentially negative situations so you can more easily cope with them and recover from setbacks. In today’s lesson, you will get resources and options for continuous growth.
Confidence is like a muscle: It needs exercise to stay strong. One of the most valuable ways of continuing to build and strengthen your self-confidence is continuous learning.
In your second lesson, you reviewed your abilities, expertise, and experiences. Going forward, you can use that information to refine and enhance areas where you are doing well because we can always improve. You also can use it to work on areas that you may not already be good at, but that may help you in your career or business. In a survey by the Pew Research Center, 87% of workers surveyed believe that ongoing efforts to learn and develop their skills is necessary to stay current and succeed in business.
Today, more than ever before, you have hundreds of options for skills improvement without having to leave the comfort of your home or office. Here are options that make continuous learning easy and accessible.
Consider quick hits of improvement that require only a few minutes each day.
• Highbrow is one of the fastest growing providers of bite-size, just-in-time learning. As you know from taking this course, you gain new, valuable information in just a few minutes each day.
• Udemy and Skillshare are just two of many other inexpensive resources for quick, easy skills improvement.
• Most colleges and universities offer lengthier, more costly courses online. These usually require greater commitments of money, time, and energy. However, you can obtain certificates of achievement or entire college degrees online.
• Check out YouTube videos and TED talks for advice and information from experts in many fields. All of these are invaluable for improving in specific areas.
• Read books, magazines, newsletters, blogs, and vlogs that focus on the skills you are interested in. These learning resources are usually free or low cost and offer you access to experts in the areas that you want to improve.
Hiring a coach is a more costly option. Coaches generally specialize in either an audience, such as career women or entrepreneurs, or a specific topic for improvement, such as interview or relationship skills. You are usually required to purchase a package of sessions; however, many coaches offer a free initial call or lower-priced initial session. If you decide to work with a coach, you may have a choice of group coaching with limited one-on-one attention or individual coaching. There is a price variance. Coaching requires you to make a commitment of time and money to realize results.
The more you learn and grow, the more confident you feel in your abilities, and your value to your career and business increases. Research from the University of East Anglia in Great Britain revealed that engaging in learning improves wellbeing, creates a sense of purpose and value, and increases self-confidence.
Tomorrow is your final lesson. You will set goals for continuing to develop your self-confidence and achieve greater professional success.
See you tomorrow.
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