The Importance of Exercises and Wrap-Up
Episode #9 of the course The fundamentals of mastering your focus by Som Bathla
Welcome to the last lesson! I am excited to see you finish this course. Today, we will talk about how you can strengthen your focus muscle by exercising.
How Physical Exercises Impact Your Focus
I have personally experienced that sometimes after coming back from my morning walk or jog, tons of ideas start coming to mind. Exercising makes you more resourceful, which helps you focus longer on your work. In particular, it’s already widely known that exercise improves the cognitive functions of our brains.
A part of the brain that responds strongly to aerobic exercise is the hippocampus. There have been experiments conducted that show that the structure of hippocampus increases as you get physically fitter. Since the hippocampus is at the core of the brain’s learning and memory systems, it has memory-boosting effects due to improved cardiovascular fitness.
Hence, 30-45 minutes of daily time attributed to exercise will help you get your seemingly difficult tasks done in less time and you will be able to build a laser-sharp focus. Ideally, you should find time for exercise in the early morning, before you start your day, since your mind is already refreshed when you get up. Also, if you can go out in nature, in a community park or around your house, that would be even better, since you’ll naturally get more oxygen intake in your body and brain.
Therefore, if you want to enhance your focus muscle, you have to incorporate exercise into your schedule.
This brings our course to the end. Let’s spend a few moments to summarize what we’ve learned.
Key Takeaways
Here are the most effective tips for mastering your focus:
1. Make your daily task list based on your determination of important vs. urgent activities. This will help you prioritize and achieve your important goals on a regular basis.
2. Tame your mind by giving it rewards for engaging longer in the deep work instead of digressing in shallow work.
3. Don’t multitask. Rather, build on competency to complete one activity faster and then approach another task.
4. Frequently spend time in solitude to give rest and downtime to your mind. Use meditation as a tool to relax. This will sharpen your focusing capacity.
5. Divide all your tasks into batches with different categories. This will help you get your work done faster and more effectively.
6. To avoid distractions, follow the right approach in dealing with your superiors, subordinates, and other colleagues.
7. Don’t compromise on your sleep. Get an adequate amount of sleep and don’t forget to improve its quality. This will boost your focusing abilities.
8. And lastly, don’t think that exercising is only for your physical health. Move your body regularly for 30-45 minutes, and you will improve your brain functioning.
I hope you find the information in this course helpful and move ahead to implement the above strategies in your daily routine.
I wish you a great success in building your focus.
Good luck.
Som Bathla
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