Most famous paintings of all time

The definition of art has changed throughout history according to the popular opinion and social environment of the day. Around the world, people consider different things beautiful. People with differing belief systems hold some ideas as sacred, while others discard their importance. The most famous artworks of all time are often those that push the boundaries of convention and attempt to redefine expression of reality through new pictures of the world.

   17,908 students completed this course

   97% recommend it to other students

   Teacher: Highbrow Team


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97% of students recommend

“Perfect amount of background and interpretation on each work of art. I appreciate the skill and effort obviously put into the content.”

“I enjoyed learning new things about the art I knew about and being exposed to the new pieces I had not seen before. An excellent course!”

“This is a topic I know very little about. Fun and quick way to learn a little about art history without getting bogged down with so many details. Also, helps me appreciate art a little more.”


Course plan

Lesson 1. The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
Lesson 2. Guernica by Pablo Picasso
Lesson 3. The Night Watch by Rembrandt
Lesson 4. The Scream by Edvard Munch
Lesson 5. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
Lesson 6. Black Square by Kazimir Malevich
Lesson 7. The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh
Lesson 8. The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
Lesson 9. The Arnolfini Wedding by Jan van Eyck
Lesson 10. No. 5 by Jackson Pollock
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  • Format
    One lesson delivered via email daily
  • Duration
    10 days
  • Time
    5 minutes reading a day

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