So you want to improve your running? Or maybe you want to start running? Why? Do you want to lead a healthier lifestyle? Lose weight? Do you want to get into a routine of continuous physical improvement and a better mental state? Or do you simply want to improve your half-marathon time?
Learning correct running techniques can do these things. Training can too. So can nutrition. A number of things can help you reach these goals, but how to start is the question.
In the next 10 days, we are going to go over 10 important aspects of running no matter where you are on the spectrum. These 10 ‘steps’ are intended to educate and empower you. We hope that you’ll learn something that you can apply to your life. At the end of the email, you will have access to the full online course if you wish to learn more. At the end of each section, we are going to give you a small task to do. From tomorrow onward, we are going to go through:
2. Training Plans
3. Running Techniques
4. Nutrition
5. Cross-Training
6. Stretching
7. Injuries
8. Running Gear
9. Tips and Tricks
10. Psychology of Running
Episode #1 of the course “Ultimate Guide to Running” by Matthew Henshall
This first thing we need to understand is that our lives are full of habits. Being honest with yourself about the fact that habits are difficult to break is the first step you need to take on this journey. If you are not a runner and you want to start, you need to change a habit. Or if you are a runner and are coasting and want to improve, you need to change a habit. Even if you are thoroughly enjoying your running lifestyle and are happy where it is, we will show you ways to get even more out of it.
Define your goals
Right now, let’s do today’s task. Write down your goals, but do so carefully. Complete the sentence below. You need to be realistic—only you will truly know what that means to you. It’s better to underestimate your abilities and take more time to achieve your goal. We are going to spread our training plan over 12 weeks.
My goal is to run ___(i)___ km/miles in ___(ii)___ hours/minutes in ___(iii)___ weeks. I currently run __(iv)__ km/miles in __(v)___ hours/minutes. (Or I have never run.)
Stop making excuses
We are going to do this. It is most likely going to be uncomfortable, but it will be worth it. Change the following thoughts in your own mind. Go from:
• “I don’t have time to start running” to “How can I make time for one hour this week?”
• “I am not improving” to “So how can I improve?”
• Right now, today, if you want to start running, run! Go for a run today. Don’t put it off until you have bought new shoes or are with a friend. Even if it is 100 yards in your work clothes around your house. TODAY. Tomorrow, we will be checking up on you.
• Define your goal.
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