Empathy: The Power of Getting into Other People’s Shoes
Episode #4 of the course 10 days to better relationships by Michael S. Sorensen
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Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another and is a critical element of strong, healthy relationships. When we have empathy for another person, we put ourselves in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. We seek to understand where they are coming from and try to imagine what they are going through.
Empathy Is Different from Sympathy
Sympathy is a feeling of care or concern for another person, often accompanied by a wish to see them better off or happier. Sympathy is standing on the outside of a situation, looking in (e.g., “I’m sorry you’re sad”). Empathy is stepping into the situation and feeling the emotion (e.g., “Wow, this is sad”).
When we sympathize, we feel for someone because of their pain. When we empathize, we feel the pain with them. For example:
Sympathy | Empathy |
“I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.” | “Ugh, the flu is no fun at all.” |
“I’m sorry you’re frustrated. I hope you figure it out.” | “Ah, that’s so frustrating!” |
Tips for Developing Empathy
If you’re struggling to feel empathy for another person (and we all do, from time to time), the following tips may help:
Empathy tip #1: Get curious
Ask yourself the following questions:
• “What is this person’s background? Could past issues be influencing their reaction?”
• “What if someone had done that to me? How would I feel?”
• “If I haven’t had a similar experience, have I ever felt a similar emotion?”
• “What if that were my [child/parent/job/dog/etc.]?”
Asking questions such as these often uncovers an element or two of the other person’s circumstance that strikes a chord inside you.
Empathy tip #2: Look at them
Pause for a moment, let go of whatever thoughts may be zipping through your head, and take a moment to truly see the person across from you on a deeper level. Make eye contact. Recognize that they are a human being with fears, hopes, uncertainties, pain, and joy. Recognize that their life may be a lot harder than you know.
This can be a surprisingly powerful experience when done with sincerity. Taking time to recognize that another person may be hurting or especially excited or hopeful about something will help you get out of your own head.
Empathy tip #3: Imagine them as a child
This may sound odd, but imagining another person as a young, vulnerable child often makes it easier to feel their emotion. If you’re having a hard time empathizing with your friend during an embarrassing situation (perhaps you think they should “just get over it”), consider how you would feel if you looked over and saw a four-year-old standing there with fear, shame, and embarrassment visible on their face.
I have been guilty of telling a genuinely scared friend to “man up,” even though I would never have said such a thing to a terrified four-year-old. Imagining others as younger, more vulnerable versions of themselves is a great way to help feelings of empathy flow a little more freely.
Got it? Try it.
The next time someone shares something with you, see how well you’re empathizing with them. This needn’t be a negative emotion either. If someone is excited, proud, etc., you can still step into their shoes to feel what they’re feeling. Once you feel empathy, remember to validate!
Be sure to tune in tomorrow as we discuss the connecting power of vulnerability, showing the real you.
Recommended book
Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential—and Endangered by Bruce D Perry and Maia Szalavitz
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