Create Landing Pages That Convert

22.01.2018 |

Episode #4 of the course Drive sales with inbound lead generation by Roy Harmon


So, you’ve got a great offer, and you’re itching to release it into the wild. But you’ve still got some work to do!

Today, we’re going to talk about landing pages. Landing pages are where prospects will go to download your offer. They’re the homes for your various offers, and they’re important for several reasons:

For effective advertising. Creating landing pages that are relevant to the ad copy will reduce bounce rate, increase Quality Score on AdWords, and increase conversion rates.

For higher conversion rates. Using a different landing page for each audience you target will increase conversion rates.

To generate more leads. There’s no better way to generate leads than sending them right to a form to download your offer.


Core Components

Every good landing page will contain these core components:

1. headline
2. sales copy
3. form
4. call-to-action

Headline. This should be a simple message in a big, bold font that clearly shows what makes your offer special (your unique selling proposition).

Focus on benefits, not features. It’s great that your umbrella is made of a high-tech, ultra-durable material, but that doesn’t matter to your prospect. Your prospect wants to know that they’ll stay dry for years without having to worry about buying a new umbrella.

Finally, make sure your headline is relevant to the ad they clicked to get there. Everything should flow from ad, to landing page, to offer, without any surprises for the prospect.

Copy. Even if you’re not actually selling the offer for money, you need to sell your prospect and convince them that your offer is worth it. You have to convince them that it’s worth handing over their contact information. Again, focus on benefits, not features.

When you’re writing copy, try the SUCCES(s) Framework (found in Chip and Dan Heath’s book, Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die).

To do that, make sure your copy checks as many of these boxes as possible:

Simple. Get to the very root of what you’re trying to say. Make sure you’re not including extraneous information or presenting things in a needlessly complex way.

Unexpected. Get your prospect’s attention by breaking a pattern. Create a mystery that you solve by the end of the copy.

Credible. Provide testimonials, social proof, and specific statistics so prospects know you can back up your claims.

Concrete. Don’t use abstract language. Use words that appeal to the five senses.

Emotional. Appeal to their emotions. How do they feel when they’re dealing with their problem? How will they feel when they fix it?

Story-based. Wrap your copy in a story, if possible. It will keep people engaged and increase the likelihood that your copy will resonate with your prospects.

Form. The more valuable your piece of content, the more questions you could request. But as a rule, don’t request any more information than you absolutely need. Every additional question is an obstacle that gets in the prospect’s way as they’re trying to give you their contact information and get to the offer.

Call-to-Action. There should be a clear call-to-action. You want them to click submit! Make the button stand out and make them want to click it.


Landing Page No-Nos

A good landing page will not include:

Distractions. If it doesn’t have to do with the offer, it doesn’t have any place on the landing page. Your landing page should have a single purpose: getting them to fill out the form to get the offer.

Multiple offers. Continuing with the theme of having a single purpose, that means a single offer. According to Wishpond, “Landing pages with multiple offers get 266% fewer leads than single offer pages.”

Links. Don’t give your prospect an escape. The only way off the page should be by clicking the button to submit the form. That includes your navigation menu.

VWO found that removing their navigation menu from their landing pages increased conversions by 100%!

Now you’ve got your offer and it has a home on a landing page. You’re ready to build out the rest of your campaign. In tomorrow’s lesson, we’ll talk about how to nurture leads for more conversions (and how everything connects).


Recommended book
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip and Dan Heath


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