Achieving The Ideal Learning Balance
Episode #10 of the course The theory of education: Effective learning and teaching by K.C. Finn
Lesson ten brings our course to a close, and so we’ll use this session to discuss how different styles, theories, and methods that we’ve explored during the course can come together. I’ll show you some examples of how to craft a teaching and learning program that is dedicated to your style, which will boost your memory, engagement, and achievement in any subject matter that you choose to take on.
Where Does the Method Come From?
The idea of triangulation comes from the world of research, where a study can be strengthened by examining it from several different methods and comparing the results. Triangulation, as the name suggests, typically uses three methods, but you can utilize as many as you need to in our version. The vital thing to take from the idea is that varying your teaching and learning methods ensures that different parts of your thinking process engage with the material you’re working on, and this means the brain has a much better chance of retaining that information and calling it to mind whenever you need it.
Triangulating Your Teaching
It will always be important to consider your learners as individuals, even if you find yourself working in larger groups, or across online platforms where your students are total strangers. Even so, remember that each student will have their Motivations and Influences (from Lesson One) for engaging in education. It’s important to view yourself as a Facilitator to this (Lesson Two’s Socratic Method) and use your talents to help them make their own decisions, criticisms, and ideas to add to the overall knowledge base.
From the theoretical ideas that we’ve discussed, here are some key takeaways to remember:
• Students will respond to positive and negative stimuli, but always try to focus on the positives, and remember that what you perceive to be success and failure could be very different in your students’ eyes (Behaviorism, Lesson Six);
• Knowledge is never free of the context in which it is used, so try to include it to make your teaching relevant to real people in the real world (Constructivism, Lesson Seven);
• You are also on a constant journey of learning, like your students, so there’s no need to position yourself above them. Act as part of a helpful and respectful community of education (Humanism, Lesson Eight);
• Knowledge is everywhere, and students don’t just learn from teachers. But you can use your expertise to guide others in the right direction (Connectivism, Lesson Nine).
Triangulating Your Learning
As a learner, the best thing you can do is to know yourself and your preferences well. Discover your preferred combination of learning styles (Lessons Three, Four, and Five), and explore different ways of studying, presenting, and absorbing information. A key principle here is in the variety of what you do. Keep things fresh and exciting for yourself, and always try to discover some relevance to your life in the things you’re working on (Lesson Seven’s Constructivism principle). Be a proactive, independent decision-maker, because ultimately the power to succeed in education is in your hands much more than it is your school or course providers.
As we look back overall, it’s fair to say that we have explored a solid grounding in the world of teaching and learning, and discovered what more knowledge about the Theory of Education could do for our prospects. Now it’s time for you to head out and continue the journey independently, making those connected decisions and perceptions (from Lesson Nine) about what more you need to know to progress. Why not check back over the Further Reading sections for some great advice?
It’s time to say goodbye for now! I sincerely hope that this course has provided you with a wealth of information, tips, and tricks on setting yourself up for success in your future teaching and learning. If you’re looking for more creative ideas on education and business, don’t forget to take a look at my other Highbrow courses, which teach creative mindfulness activities, freelancing business skills, focus and motivation, and practical techniques for writing and editing award-winning stories and novels.
I wish you the very best in all your endeavors and would like to thank you for taking this course. Until we meet again!
K.C. Finn
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