Searching for Your Courses

20.09.2017 |

Episode #3 of the course Learn any subject with your own curriculum by Michelle Gommel


Now that you’ve decided on a subject, a budget, and a timeline, you’re ready to start searching! You might think that Google is the best place to start again here, but I disagree. The best place to start in this case is a website called Class Central.


Class Central

Class Central blows my mind every time I use it. It takes results from Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, and so many more and shows it to you all together. It’s also a platform for people to rate and comment on the courses they take, so you can separate the wheat from the chaff (not all online courses are created equal!). You can search for a subject, or you can check out their lists of new or trending courses. If you find a course that looks interesting, click on it, and take a look at the reviews, start dates, estimated hours per week, and anything else that might be pertinent. Choose courses that meet your criteria and write them down.


Other Learning Platforms

While Class Central is great and lists many traditional courses across the internet, it doesn’t cover everything. There are tons of other platforms out there that have other courses and materials. Some are offered by large companies, and some were created by independent bloggers on sites like Teachable. This is where Google comes in, and I also recommend checking out Pinterest. There are lots of sites that list many of the platforms that will come in handy, but it will take a little digging in some cases.


Keep in mind that the more mainstream your subject is, the easier it will be to find courses and materials. Conversely, if you have chosen a more niched subject, it may take a little more time and effort to find what you’re looking for.



To save you some time, I’ve included a list of some of my favorite platforms that aren’t included on Class Central. If they match up with your subject, check them out!

Codecademy—mostly free courses in computer programming, everything from Python and Ruby on Rails to HTML and CSS

Hootsuite Academy—free course with a paid certification on social media marketing

Skillshare—loads of (shorter) courses on every subject under the sun, from flower arranging to public speaking

Khan Academy—basic courses on core subjects like chemistry and grammar

LinkedIn Learning/Lynda—similar to Skillshare but with courses more geared to professional development, and check out Lynda’s learning paths

Like I said, there are many more out there, but hopefully, these may save you a little time.

In the next lesson, we’ll break through any preconception you may have that your curriculum should only include courses, and go over how to find the best supplemental materials.

Yours truly,



Recommended book

Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and be More Productive by Kevin Horsley


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