Finding Your “Why”

03.05.2017 |

Episode #2 of the course How to make your own podcast by Adam Ashton


Thanks for coming back! Today I’m going to tell you about some of the many potential benefits of podcasting, both for the listener and the host. Then, we’re going to work out your own personal “why.” It’s time to start thinking about some specific, personal reasons as to why you want to create your own show.


Benefits of podcasting

First, a few statistics. Based on a survey at the end of 2016:

● 21% of Americans listen to podcasts at least once a month (that’s almost 60 million people in the US alone!)

● 36% of Americans have listened to a podcast at some point

● The number of regular podcast listeners grew by 23% in 2016 and is up 75% since 2013

● $34m was spent on advertising on podcasts in 2015

Benefits to listeners:

● It’s a great way to learn and digest new information

● You can passively take in information or entertainment while you’re doing other things, like at work or while cooking or gardening

● You can learn on the go, like when you’re driving or commuting

● Podcasts are FREE!

Benefits to podcasters:

● It’s relatively simple and convenient to create content

● You have a large channel to spread new or existing content

● You develop and improve your communication skills

● You create a long-lasting asset that won’t disappear

● You build and connect with an audience

● Creating a podcast will help establish your credibility in a topic or field

● You can piggy-back off other people—you help them by sharing their content with your audience, and hopefully they do the same

● Having a podcast is a networking gold mine

The benefits of creating a podcast are numerous and compelling. So now all you need is your why.


Why do you need a why?

It’s time to start thinking about some specific, personal reasons as to why you want to create your own show.

You might want to just do it because you want to make money out of it. That’s not a good reason. You’ll do three episodes and not make any money, then inevitably quit. You need a reason to make your show, whether you make money out of it or not (hopefully you will, but just in case).

Really, the only reason a podcast fails is because you stop doing it. There’s no one to tell you that you can or can’t do it. The only person stopping you is you. So work out a strong, specific, personal reason why you want to build an audience and grow your own podcast.

Here’s a list of possible reasons. These are certainly not the only reasons, but hopefully this is enough to get you thinking about your “why”:

● You want your ideas to be heard

● You already have a blog or a vlog and want to spread your content on another channel

● Meet and network with famous people

● Build your personal brand

● Build trust

● Market your existing business

● Build an audience for a future project

● Have fun!

Now that you’ve solidified your personal “why,” it’s time to start planning your podcast. Tomorrow, we’ll be looking at some different podcast formats and start to come up with a range of different ideas for episodes.

Speak soon,
Adam Ashton


Recommended book

Start With Why by Simon Sinek


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