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05.09.2017 |

Episode #8 of the course How to quickly build your online authority by Vinay Koshy


Building an audience is hard work, but it can be made easier. For example, piggybacking on a big blog’s audience immediately boosts your authority. So, how do you leverage that? By guest blogging or being featured on podcasts.


How to Craft a Smart Guest Post Strategy

Many people and brands view guest posting as a means to build backlinks to improve their overall SEO. Google has since frowned on this practice. However, it is still a powerful way of building your online authority if done correctly.

You need to be aware that many sites accept guest posts. However, most don’t have a loyal or engaged audience. So, you would be wasting your time contributing to those sites. Instead, you would be better off focusing on sites that have smaller segments of your target audience. Build credibility and engagement with them before you reach out to sites that are more established and have bigger audiences.

Here are a few ways you can easily use to find suitable blogs to contribute to:

• Search Google for “[your niche] + guest blogging.”

• Search Google for “[your niche] write for us.”

• Visit Alltop, and search under your niche for a list of potential high-quality blogs.

Once you have landed guest post opportunities, provide them with well-researched yet detailed posts that demonstrate that you are an expert. This way, you are showing people your extensive knowledge and expertise and are quietly branding yourself as an authority in your industry or niche.

Getting published on larger and more established sites can seem to be much better in that they have a larger audience and could provide more exposure. But getting published on these sites can be much harder. These sites, because of their reputation, can be picky about who they have guest post for them. Persistence is key here. Also, be aware that they only accept original, well-researched articles.

Once you do get accepted and published with your name featured in the byline, it will make a difference to how you are perceived in your industry.


How to Leverage Other People’s Podcast Audiences

The same principles that apply to guest posting also applies to leveraging podcasts that share an audience similar to yours.

Here are a few steps to finding suitable podcasts to pitch:

1. Finding potential podcasts to be featured on is easy with a quick search on iTunes.

2. If they are active, relevant to your topic, and accept guests for interviews, then they are worth approaching.

3. Contact the host via email or reach out via social media.

4. Once you are ready to pitch, include:

• your details and links for credibility

• a list of topics you are qualified to talk on and that would provide value to their audience; provide social proof via links to other interviews or connections you have in common

• other details or links to make it easy to research you

Tomorrow, we will examine how you can become a credible resource in your industry.

Till then,



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