Before You Start
Episode #1 of the course How to create stunning content on Facebook by PromoRepublic
1.65 billion people use Facebook monthly, and this number continues to increase. It’s safe to say that you are a user as well. However, being present on Facebook is not enough to gain likes and followers. One needs to create exciting and engaging content to attract new users and keep existing ones.
This is where our course will come in handy. We will start with simple things like good content, trends, newsbreaks, and visual content. Then we’ll continue with tips and best practices regarding content curation, link format, posting time, promotion, and other important issues that will help you develop your Facebook page.
There is one thing you should do before you start creating stunning content—set up your page and complete your profile. Remember, posting from an empty profile will do no good. People don’t trust unknown sources and want to be able to see things like your company name, description, and more. For example, say you’re running a leather goods store’s Facebook page. Take the time to fill in your address, open hours, website, short description, phone number, email, available parking nearby, and so on.
And, of course, you need to upload a profile picture and cover photo. Your profile picture is way more important than your cover photo, as it appears in your followers’ news feed, in comments and replies, and in posts on your timeline.
Long story short, the profile picture is your business card in the Facebook world. Here are the properties it should possess:
• Square
• At least 180px x180px
In a person’s news feed, the profile picture appears much smaller—100px x 100px and 43px x 43px in comments. Thus, it should not contain any tiny details.
Note that the profile picture and cover photo change appearance on mobile. The profile picture is placed in the center, while the cover photo can be cut a little bit.
The cover photo is also important. Do not neglect it. Consider your cover photo as a place to present your latest discounts or show holidays. Don’t think of it as a business card like you think of the profile pic. Feel free to change it as often as you want. Remember the dimensions: 851px x 315px for desktop and 640px x 360px for mobile.
Advice: Although Facebook has already removed its 20% rule on text in cover photos, keep it concise. Visuals are always more important.
Now that we are clear about profile and cover pics, let’s learn some important tips before moving on to the next lesson:
• There are many ways to post updates on Facebook: status, link, image, video, life event, check-in, etc. If you want to post longer-form content, you can use Facebook’s note feature, but that might not get as many likes or shares. You can also make a slideshow to share on Facebook.
Note that business pages have additional post update options, including offers, events, milestones, and notes.
• Facebook filters business pages’ posts in users’ timelines, and only 16% of their content appears in feeds.
This means that your content should be better than 84% of all posts. And that is not as easy as it seems. Go through all ten of our lessons to learn all about using Facebook for business!
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