The First Lead Generation Tactic

18.01.2017 |

Episode #5 of the course How to generate more leads through your website by Lauren Pawell


Good morning,

Yesterday we covered the Facebook pixel and why installing it now on your website can set you up for a better tomorrow…at least when it comes to lead generation.

Today I’m going to teach you an easy technique for converting more of your website traffic into leads for your business.

But first, let’s talk about the different kinds of leads you can receive through your website.

First, you can receive “ready-to-buy” or “very-close-to-buying” leads. These are they type that pick up the phone, reach out through your contact forms, and email you. They’ll ask about pricing, what your service entails, and more.

Then there’s the type of lead that isn’t yet ready to contact you, but is definitely looking for someone to help them with their problem. But they need more information before they can decide who to buy from.

Now the key to this type of lead is that they often aren’t ready to actively reach out to you. But they land on your website and browse because they want to learn more.

So how do you make sure that they keep receiving more information from you so that when they are ready to make a purchase, they do so from you instead of heading to your competitor?

You capture their email address. And you keep in touch using marketing emails.


Any website visitor who is willing to give you their email address is basically saying:

“Hey, I’m interested in what you have to offer, but I’m not yet ready to buy. Tell me more about what you have, because I probably need some convincing in order to actually pull out my wallet.”

So, how exactly do you get your website visitors to give you their email address?

You ask them for it using an email opt-in.

Yup, it’s that dang simple.

What you need to do in order to set up your email opt-in:

1. Choose your email marketing service. If you don’t already have one in place, consider Drip, ConvertKit, Mailchimp, or ActiveCampaign.

2. Choose your third-party opt-in technology. This is the technology that will power your opt-in, collect email addresses, and pass them along to your email marketing service. I personally love SumoMe, but HelloBar, PopupDomination, and LeadPages are also great options.

3. Add the required code snippet to your website. This will be specific to the provider you chose in Step #2, so refer to them for installation instructions.

4. Decide on the type and placement of your opt-in. How prominent will it be? What pages will it show on? When will it show? Typically the more prominent your opt-in is, the higher your VTL conversion rate.

5. Create any graphics and copy required for the opt-in. This is a very important step. Don’t underestimate the power of compelling words and visuals.

6. Link the opt-in to your email marketing service. Remember what we said about an automated system in Lesson #1? Get rid of all your manual work by connecting your email marketing service to your opt-in.

7. Watch the email addresses roll in, even while you’re sleeping! The beauty of this system is that it works 24/7 for you anytime you have website traffic. Provided you have a compelling product/service and you send qualified traffic to your site, you should see list growth immediately!

Now, just because you get the first version of your opt-in up doesn’t mean it’s going to be the best possible version. You may need to A/B test your copy, visuals, and placements before you have a VTL conversion rate you’re happy with.

And if you want your VTL conversion rate to skyrocket, hang on tight for tomorrow’s lesson.

Here’s to your ongoing online success,


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