How to serve upset customers

Working with angry or upset customers can be a big challenge. They can be unreasonable, demanding, and sometimes a customer’s anger feels like a personal attack. Service professionals are supposed to avoid taking this personally, but it’s only human to feel discouraged, frustrated, or even angry yourself when you serve people who are really upset. Over the course of ten daily lessons, you’ll learn proven ways to defuse customer anger and prevent people from boiling over. You will also discover simple techniques to recover the relationship after a service failure and eventually prevent customers from getting angry in the first place!

   215 students completed this course

   100% recommend it to other students

   Teacher: Jeff Toister


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100% of students recommend

  “An honest and passionate write up that provides lots of insights and examples on how to surround yourself with happy customers.”

  “Very good information, a lot to pull from and use with my customer care team.”

  “Good information given to apply for customer service.”


Course plan

Lesson 1. What Makes Your Customers Angry?
Lesson 2. Identify the Fight-or-Flight Instinct
Lesson 3. De-escalate Tense Situations through Listening
Lesson 4. The Partner Technique
Lesson 5. Avoid Words That Trigger Customer Anger
Lesson 6. Handle Abusive Behavior
Lesson 7. Recover an Angry Customer
Lesson 8. Prevent Unpleasant Surprises
Lesson 9. The Pre-emptive Acknowledgement
Lesson 10. Learn from Each Customer
+ Quiz



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  • Format
    One lesson delivered via email daily
  • Duration
    10 days
  • Time
    5 minutes reading a day

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